Staff Alignment at Zero Cost Through Gamification

How one producer uses a rewards-based app to tie driver behavior to the bottom line. An employee gives a company around 36,000 heartbeats per workday—heartbeats they will never get back. It’s our job, and our responsibility, to make those heartbeats count for all involved. Simple alignment is one of the best things we can do to make this happen. “The…

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The Future of the RMC Driver: Capitalizing on the Industry’s Greatest Resource

Not long ago I was asked by a person outside of the ready mixed concrete business about our greatest strength and asset as an industry. Without hesitation, I immediately told them it was our drivers. Drivers make up a total of approximately two-thirds of all the employees for a ready mixed producer. They deliver concrete to the point of where…

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An enthusiastic White House nod to concrete and cement brands

Familiar names dominate a new White House report on Federal Buy Clean Initiative and Department of Energy (DOE) Industrial Demonstration Program progress. The administration salutes six concrete or cement producers, CO2-mineralizing process developer CarbonCure Technologies, and four cementitious material startup companies for corporate or project-specific commitments outlined in response to Buy Clean and Industrial Demonstrations calls to action. Commitments referencing…

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