Vaisala CO2 probe gauges upstream emissions, downstream utilization

Sources: Vaisala, Helsinki; CP staff

A new device from chemical compound measurement technology developer Vaisala records carbon dioxide volumes at both portland cement plant exhaust stack or other point sources, and utilization targets such as concrete production environments, where the gas is mineralized or leveraged for supplementary binding properties. Specifically designed to bring transparency to carbon capture, storage and utilization (CCUS) projects, the MGP241 instantly measures CO2 volumes and moisture levels. 

Vaisala’s Julia Salovaara presents the MGP241 as an alternative to traditional gas analyzers—one requiring no costly calibration or routine maintenance and equal to a service life of 10-plus years.

Constant and accurate measurement of captured carbon is vital, notes Vaisala Strategy and Business Development Manager Julia Salovaara. “No one knows yet if CCUS will indeed grow to be a significant solution in our fight against climate change. The technology is still in its early stages,” she adds. “What we can solve now is how to make measuring these projects as transparent and efficient as possible to leave no room for guesswork or sugarcoating the results. Our new probe measures directly in the gas flow and shows test results in real time. Our numbers don’t lie.” 

Early Vaisala technology adopters include Carbonaide Oy of Joensuu, Finland, which uses the MGP241 to log CO2 volumes permanently sequestered when the gas is channeled to a manufactured concrete curing chamber. “Globally, our technology has the potential to store 500 megatons of CO₂ annually by 2050 in concrete products—roughly the same annual emissions of France and the United Kingdom combined,” says Carbonaide Chief Operating Officer Jonne Hirvonen. “The investment case we offer our customers is entirely based on accurate measurements and transparency. With Vaisala, we can trust that the numbers we share with our partners are correct.”

“This level of transparency and proof is essential for process optimization, building trust with stakeholders, and demonstrating genuine commitment to sustainability,” concludes Salovaara.

Finland’s Rakennusbetoni-ja Elementti Oy, inaugural Carbonaide curing and carbonation process user, deploys an MGP241 probe to gauge carbon dioxide uptake in concrete hardscape unit production.