Building on Prima, a signature technology for high volume, wet cast underground or utility precast, Afinitas has launched Prima 360, a broader platform of automated systems to reduce labor requirements and increase throughput of concrete products or structures cast with high slump mixes. Prima 360 leverages a wide range of technologies developed in-house by the Afinitas Equipment and Automation (HawkeyePedershaab Concrete Technologies, BFS Betonfertigteilesysteme GmbH brands), Forming Systems (New Hampton Metal Fabrication and Spillman Co.), and Concrete Accessories (CAM, Hawkeye, Spillman, Caswick Ltd. and Amifast) teams to provide automation suiting all types of factory layouts, product requirements and budgets. The systems are backed by the strength of the Afinitas global technical team and service support.

The platform includes Prima, Afinitas’ signature wet cast system for high volume production of nearly any drainage or utility structure or product. With its advanced production loop, automatic inventory management system and real-time analytics, Prima brings assembly line efficiency to wet cast production. Prima’s highly optimized workstations reduce labor and increase throughput. In addition, Prima simplifies planning and provides all the metrics needed to optimize processes at every level of production.
Prima Fit, as the name suggests, is wet cast automation that scales to fit producer requirements. A powerful yet economical option, it utilizes vertical product stacking to maximize floor space. In addition, Prima Fit can be easily configured to produce specialty precast structures that would require extra space and set up time on other systems. Prima Base is an intuitive design software for creating limitless channel flow options for monolithic manhole bases. It transforms the labor-intensive, inconsistent traditional methods of producing monolithic manhole bases using an intelligent digital configurator and precision EPS milling system. Prima Base helps producers increase output and quality while minimizing rework.
Prima Scape draws upon decades of BFS vibration technology to help producers create visually appealing and mechanically precise slabs, pavers and veneer elements. With one automated system, producers can create reproductions of natural stones, slate, granite or terracotta in exact laying units for flooring, pool or fountain conditions, patios, deck slabs and other residential and commercial applications. — Afinitas, St. Louis, Mo.,