Precast panels blanket .53-mile Gordie Howe Bridge main span

Mid-span closure detailing

Sources: CP staff; Fluor Corp., Irving, Texas; Windsor Detroit Bridge Authority

Crews on the cable-stayed Gordie Howe International Bridge, a 1.5-mile Detroit River crossing linking the Motor City and Windsor, Ontario, recently completed the mid-span closure segment, capping nearly two years of placing precast concrete deck panels across or along structural steel edge and redundancy girders, floor beams and soffit panels. Work on the 0.53-mile main span deck was sequenced from Canadian and U.S. sides, as ironworkers placed the precast panels and steel members in 123-ft. wide, 49-ft. long segments. The latter bear on 216 cable stays supported by twin, 722-ft. piers. 

With a contract value north of $5 billion, the Gordie Howe International Bridge is on track for a 2025 opening under a 30-year public-private partnership between the

 Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority and Bridging North America, a joint venture between Fluor, ACS Infrastructure Canada and Aecon Group Inc. The toll structure will feature three traffic lanes in both directions, plus an 11.5-ft. wide pedestrian lane. 

Holcim blending terminal and SRM Concrete plant flank the Gordie Howe International Bridge Detroit approach. Photos: Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority