Source: Concrete Masonry & Hardscapes Association, Herndon, Va.
The Concrete Masonry & Hardscapes Association 2023 Safety Awards program recognizes 149 production facilities and six contractors throughout North America for exemplary worker protection and accident prevention records. Participants were eligible for awards based on OSHA 300A log or equivalent Canadian injury report data. For 2023, 11 Milestone Awards were presented to facilities attaining more than five consecutive years of Safety Award Program entries with zero OSHA/Canadian report injuries. CMHA also presented 111 Platinum Awards (highest level of single year achievement), 29 Gold Awards and four Silver Awards, based on two formulas factoring Incident Rate or Days Away for Restrictions and Transfer Rate.
“Our members who consistently promote and implement safe working practices should be honored,” says CMHA President Bob Thomas. “To see our members demonstrate their commitment to safety is incredible for the industry.”