Sources: Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago; CP staff

The Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute Architectural Certification program has transitioned from a one-year implementation window to mandatory adoption. Effective October 2021, contracts calling for panels or other elements sourced from PCI-certified plants must reference the new Architectural Certification program, spanning five categories:
AA. Cladding or non-load bearing products with multiple concrete mixes and textures, a variety of three-dimensional projections, radius mold surfaces, sequential returns, and most stringent product and installation tolerances;
AB. Cladding or non-load bearing products with multiple concrete mixes and textures, a variety of three-dimensional projections, radius mold surfaces, or sequential returns;
AC. Cladding or non-load bearing products with architectural finishes such as plant applied finishes, formliners, brick veneers or extruded profiles;
AD. Structural products with plant applied finishes or cast with formliners, brick veneers or extruded profiles; and,
AT. Elements or shapes including mullions, bollards, urns, railings, sills, copings, benches, planters and pavers.
The PCI Plant Certification Committee revised the Architectural Program to reflect advances in precast, prestressed formwork and mix quality control.