Block producers ace home buyer, occupant, builder, developer engagement

A campaign by Florida Concrete & Products Association and Florida Concrete Masonry Education Council Inc., both of Orlando, has achieved a milestone in building awareness of the benefits of concrete block construction in single family home and multiunit dwellings: Its centerpiece, the consumer- and professional-geared site, has surpassed the 1 million annual visitor mark.

Maschmeyer Concrete drives the campaign message in the Orlando market, where it has integrated concrete block and ready mixed production. (PHOTO: Concrete Products)
The site states the concrete block construction value proposition for home buyers and multifamily unit owners or rental unit occupants. Under a “Noise – sounds like no big deal” banner, it informs renters how concrete block walls reflect noise “away before it has a chance to enter the dwelling” and isolate it “to the originating unit rather than resonating to neighboring units.” A companion section details walls’ high R-value potential. (ILLUSTRATIONS: Florida Concrete & Products Association)

The campaign’s primary mission is to help Sunshine State consumers, builders, design professionals and developers understand the vital link between wall construction and the health, safety and comfort of those living or occupying new homes, apartments or condominiums. “The volume of visitors to demonstrates the importance potential homebuyers are placing on using high-quality building materials for their new homes,” says FC&PA President Matt Sitter, who underscores the site’s function “as a great resource as they navigate the home-buying journey.”

“Through, consumers have seen the benefits, value, and beauty of a concrete block home,” adds Florida Concrete Masonry Education Council Executive Director Jim Painter. “Multifamily dwelling developers are [also] leveraging the site to help make sound investment decisions.”

Orlando-based Bright Rain Collaborative developed the Block Strong campaign in partnership with FC&PA. The agency populates with a) an extensive list of features helping visitors discover the benefits of concrete block construction, including energy efficiency, plus resistance to fire, storms, termites, mold, and mildew; b) an interactive storm tracker providing real-time radar imagery that is especially beneficial during Florida’s unpredictable rainy season; and, c) mortgage and mold mitigation calculators enabling visitors to customize their search to a specific buying journey.

The site likewise offers resources tailored for multifamily project professionals and dispels the myth that apartment or condominium complexes cannot be constructed in a timely fashion using concrete. A deep-dive comparison of concrete, wood and steel, plus a feature on the importance of noise reduction—a top three criteria among renters—lead content offerings for design, construction and development professionals.