Sources: Black Buffalo 3D Corp., New York; CP staff

Black Buffalo, a global provider of large scale, building-grade printers and proprietary cement-based ink, has worked with the International Code Council Evaluation Service to expand criteria in the ICC-ES AC509 – 3D Automated Construction Technology for 3D Concrete Walls report from single- to multi-story building.
Operating until recently as Hyundai BS&C Co. Ltd., Black Buffalo 3D aims to increase awareness, efficiency and utility of additive manufacturing in construction. It continues to invest in printers and material science with the intent of becoming the first to meet ICC-ES AC509 criteria. With printers developed by sister company Hisys, based in South Korea, its latest model is capable of printing up to four-story buildings.
“We want to build trust and prove the safety of our technology in a way that no other 3D construction printing company has done before,” says Product Specialist Jenn Christman. “Black Buffalo 3D was created to increase acceptance of printing in the construction industry, revolutionize traditional building techniques, and showcase the potential of large scale printing.” The latter concept has the potential to help governments, businesses and non-governmental organizations address a number of infrastructure and affordable housing needs and speed disaster recovery efforts, she adds.
ICC-ES is a nonprofit, limited liability company that performs technical evaluations of building products, components, methods, and materials. Agencies use evaluation reports to help determine code compliance and enforce building regulations. Manufacturers or suppliers use reports as evidence that their equipment, products and materials meet code requirements and warrant regulatory approval.