Sources: Titan America, Norfolk, Va.; CP staff
Better known as Pennsuco, the Titan Florida cement plant in Medley is the first operation of its kind to attain the highest level of certification under the Total Resource Use and Efficiency (TRUE) rating system for zero waste. Administered alongside the Leadership in Energy and Enviromental Design (LEED) rating system by the U.S. Green Building Council-aligned Green Business Certification Inc., TRUE helps facilities around the world define and achieve zero waste goals while becoming more resource efficient.
“Titan Florida recognizes that by pursuing zero waste they are helping build a sustainable future for all,” says USGBC and GBCI President Mahesh Ramanujam. “Waste impacts all facets of a business. Changing the way we use resources delivers public health benefits, reduces our environmental impact, and advances a greener economy.”
Facilities achieve TRUE certification by meeting program requirements and accruing credits. Each site is then audited and must submit annual waste diversion data that demonstrates continuous compliance to achieve Certified, Silver, Gold or Platinum certification. Titan Pennsuco attained the latter by accruing additional credits for implementing programs like repurposing used office supplies; grass mulching and composting; and, xeriscaping, the process of landscaping that reduces or eliminates the need for supplemental water from irrigation. As part of a waste reporting credit, the Pennsuco complex became an active participant in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Waste Wise Program, where diversion data is submitted annually and goals are set for the following year. All told, the operation diverted approximately 97 percent of its waste from the landfill and incineration last year.