Sources: American Concrete Pipe Association, Irving, Texas; CP staff
Accepting the limitations of customary Concrete Pipe Week in-person activities—plant tours, employee appreciation events, plus engagement with federal, state or local officials—the American Concrete Pipe Association has scheduled online presentations for the August 16-22 observance. The group will convey the value proposition of rigid, robust drainage infrastructure through these Monday-Friday presentations and webinars, live or on-demand:
• “Message to the Industry — The Importance of Concrete Pipe,” August 17
• “Virtual Plant Tour,” August 18, 10 a.m. CST
• New blog posting and infographic release, August 19
• “Innovations in Reinforced Concrete Pipe” webinar, August 20, Noon CST
• “Industry Give Back – The concrete pipe industry comes together and helps give back to the communities they help build,” August 21
ACPA members, along with national office and regional staff, are encouraging governors to proclaim 2020 Concrete Pipe Week in their states, following the lead of counterparts in Colorado, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Texas and Wisconsin. The association stages the activities to highlight the significance that reinforced concrete pipe and companion precast structures have in community quality of life, while affirming the industry’s contributions to each state and province. Concrete Pipe Week is an opportunity recognize the contributions of ACPA’s partners: Public Work agencies; departments of transportation; engineers and contractors; cement, aggregate and reinforcing steel producers; trucking interests; and academia.