Sources: National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Alexandria, Va.; CP staff
Just-released U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2018 workplace injury and illness data show a ready mixed concrete industry incident rate of 3.9 in 2018, unchanged from the prior year. Over the past decade, the injury- or illness-rooted lost work time benchmark among producers has ranged from the 2017-18 lows to 6.3 in 2014.
BLS defines the metric around the number of lost day, restricted duty day or medical case injuries/illnesses. Incidence rates represent the number of injuries and illnesses per 100 full-time workers and are calculated as (N/EH) x 200,000, where N = number of injuries and illnesses; EH = total hours worked by all employees during the calendar year; and, 200,000 = base for 100 equivalent full-time workers working 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year.
Overall, NRMCA notes, the 2018 BLS data shows a steady downward trend as ready mixed producers stress safe and healthy work practices, plus training and education. The association’s recently launched ThinkFirst effort is aimed at perpetuating a steadfast culture of safety and emphasizing strategic actions throughout operational tasks.
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