Sources: American Concrete Pavement Association, Rosemont, Ill.; CP staff
The American Concrete Pavement Association’s 16-page treatise, “VISION2040: The Future of Concrete Pavement Imagined,” provides a glimpse of transportation policy, planning and project execution over the next 20 years; describes anticipated agency or project owner needs; forecasts how rigid pavements will serve various functions; explains how the association and allies will shape the future; and, indicates the great potential for infrastructure safety, performance and value if stakeholders invest and collaborate effectively along the way.
To develop a snapshot of what transportation and concrete pavements will look like as the industry approaches 2040, ACPA convened a “blue-ribbon” panel of 25 experts representing transportation agencies or project owners, academia, plus concrete production and pavement interests. Against the backdrop of a projected 2018–2040 U.S. population gain of 70 million, coupled with a 40 percent-plus climb in freight over present volume, the panel assessed such factors as increasing truck traffic and heavier loads; autonomous vehicles; e-commerce and distribution of goods; dedicated freight network possibilities; and, alternative roadway ownership models. Contributing to the discussion were ACPA President Jerry Voigt, 2017 Chairman Lori Tiefenthaler (Lehigh Hanson Inc.) and 2019 Chairman James Mack (Cemex USA); Concrete Sustainability Hub at MIT Executive Director Jeremy Gregory; and, Kevin Klein of Gomaco Corp. Copies of the VISION2040 report are posted here.