Sources: CP staff; National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association Board-appointed search committee viewed Michael Philipps as the clear choice to replace President Robert Garbini early next month. In addition to tours of duty with key producer and associate members, Cemex USA and (pre-GCP) W.R. Grace/Performance Chemicals Division, his stewardship of a project close to NRMCA supports the committee’s position.
In a seven-year run as Concrete Industry Management Auction Committee chairman—tasked with rallying donors for plant and construction equipment items, raw material loads, plus entertainment, leisure or sports event or travel packages—Philipps oversaw proceeds from annual live and silent bidding rounds nearly double, from $615,000 in 2013 to $1.2 million this year. The CIM National Steering Committee stages the auction at the Las Vegas Convention Center on World of Concrete day two. Proceeds benefit Concrete Industry Management degree programs at Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro; California State University, Chico; New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark; and, Texas State University, San Marcos.
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