Sources: National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Md.; CP staff
The NRMCA Board has appointed Michael Philipps as successor to Robert Garbini, who will retire as staff president at the conclusion of the association’s 2019 convention, March 5-7 in Tampa. Philipps will arrive with 30-plus years in concrete and construction, most recently serving as vice president of Business Development, Construction Materials, for Sandler Training. He previously held vice president-level sales development, management or executive positions with Cemex USA and W.R. Grace & Co.’s Grace Performance Chemicals Division.
“Mike was the clear choice given his ability to lead, guide, motivate and train people, [and] effectively work with existing and new members; track record of success and knowledge of NRMCA’s membership; and, his predictive ability to advance the association, its membership and our industry,” says William Childs of Maryland-based Chaney Enterprises, who chaired a presidential search committee NRMCA directors designated in November upon Garbini’s retirement announcement.
“Filling Bob Garbini’s shoes after his 27 years of service will not be easy, but I believe the Board has selected an individual who, with his experience and relationships in the industry, will help provide the needed leadership for the success of our association, our members and the industry into the future,” adds 2018 NRMCA Chairman Rodney Grogan (MMC Materials).
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