Next generation American Geothermal tanks ease operation, maintenance

Available in 5,000- to 30,000-gal. sizes, HotBatch Batchwater Tank Heaters are insulated models with integrated, high-temperature burners designed to withstand exposure in harsh ready mixed or manufactured-concrete plant environments with minimal maintenance. The tanks intuitively maintain positive features of the industry’s previous offerings while addressing their shortcomings, especially those involving maintenance requirements and insulation integrity. Among key HotBatch Batchwater Tank Heater benefits and features, product engineers note:

  • Multiple burner sizes;
  • Completely re-buildable Powerflame burner;
  • Extensive Powerflame service technician network;
  • Ability to operate on poor quality water sources;
  • No boiler inspections or water treatment required;
  • Stationary and portable configurations;
  • Diesel, natural gas, propane, and combination fuel options; and,
  • Premium insulation with superior R-value and longevity.

The latter is an alternative to a typical approach combining spongy insulation material, thin vapor barrier and overlapping sheets of aluminum. The optional HotBatch premium insulation provides what engineers note is a longer-lasting, higher-quality treatment of closed-cell urethane foam, sprayed on with a minimum 2-in. thickness. The dense insulation mechanically and chemically bonds to the tank, eliminating risks for water intrusion, and can be easily repaired with kits available from multiple global vendors or American Geothermal direct. The end result is an insulation method that can perform for decades and maintain batchwater temperatures for days after a heating or cooling cycle.

The HotBatch series joins the manufacturer’s line of rugged equipment for concrete production, ChillBatch Batchwater Chillers and ThermaBatch Batchwater Heat Pumps. HotBatch and ChillBatch units can be mounted on the same skid or mobile trailer. For skid mounted and mobile configurations, the entire system is also pre-plumbed and pre-wired for simple installation on the job. Among many upgrades to complete the system are custom fittings and piping options; plant delivery or saddle tank pumps; strainers; water level indicators; continuous circulation systems; mobile solutions; and, cellular monitoring services for remote job sites.

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Manufactured with standard or premium insulation packages, the HotBatch is presented as a next generation batchwater tank heating system rather than total reinvention, and configured to pair with ChillBatch Batchwater Chillers. The HotBatch launch dovetails American GeoThermal’s construction of a new manufacturing facility, with triple the existing operation’s floor space, to allow faster production plus more extensive research and development leading to further water heating and cooling equipment innovations.

HotBatch models are designed with other concrete plant equipment and components in mind to ensure simple drop-in replacement and familiar operation; features common to other tank heaters include fill water spray bars, standard manway, skidded base and exhaust louvers. HotBatch is not considered a boiler and does not require any of the water treatment or inspections typically associated with boiler systems. American Geothermal Inc., Murfreesboro, Tenn., 615/890-6985;

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