Sources: Arizona Masonry Guild Inc., Phoenix; CP staff
Seven of the nine concrete masonry producers serving Arizona have begun voluntary participation in a program funding education, promotion, workforce development, advocacy and building code activities—all geared to increasing block demand. The check off program entails a 2-cent per block collection and is administered under strict confidence by a third party, fully independent of the Arizona Masonry Guild.
The program is modeled on the funding mechanism and mission behind the Florida Concrete Masonry Education Council Inc. It launched in spring 2015 with seven producers—representing upward of 70 percent of Sunshine State CMU shipments—voluntarily committing to a check off of 1-cent/block, since increased to 1.5 cents/block. Arizona program signatories account for an estimated 80 percent of concrete masonry units sold in the state. With full participation, they have the potential to raise $800,000 in the first year.