Precision-Hayes deploys IoT to expedite post-tensioning data relay

Sources: Precision-Hayes International, Seagoville, Texas; CP staff

Precision-Hayes plans to commercialize technology that will provide architects, engineers or other project stakeholders with real-time tendon elongation and force readings from post-tensioning (P-T) operations. Initial market development will focus on unbonded, monostrand tendons typical in elevated, cast-in-place concrete slabs and parking structures.

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Arizona concrete masonry producers institute 2¢/block check off

Sources: Arizona Masonry Guild Inc., Phoenix; CP staff

Seven of the nine concrete masonry producers serving Arizona have begun voluntary participation in a program funding education, promotion, workforce development, advocacy and building code activities—all geared to increasing block demand. The check off program entails a 2-cent per block collection and is administered under strict confidence by a third party, fully independent of the Arizona Masonry Guild.

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