HawkeyePedershaab parent establishes umbrella identity

Sources: HawkeyePedershaab Concrete Technologies Inc., Mediapolis, Iowa; CP staff

A newly formed parent company, Afinitas, encompasses a charter dry cast equipment business, HawkeyePedershaab Concrete Technologies, plus three other manufacturers acquired over the past 18 months: New Hampton Metal Fabrication Corp., New Hampton, Iowa; BFS Betonfertigteilesysteme GmbH, Blaubeuren, Germany; and, CAM Sales Inc., Ludington, Mich.

“Even though these companies have only been together under one umbrella for a short time, I’m extremely pleased and energized by the new opportunities that have been unlocked for the group and our customers,” says Afinitas President Brad Schmidgall. “We’re seeing multiple examples where we’ve been able to leverage the service reach and sales network of one company to provide new and value-added solutions for the customers of another.”

The name Afinitas derives from the Latin word for alliance, underscoring both the lasting relationships between each company and its customers, as well as the synergistic potential unleashed through their alignment. More than 350 team members in eight global locations are part of the growing, infrastructure market-center Afinitas platform, which currently has three divisions, each with distinct brands, capabilities and leadership teams: HawkeyePedershaab and BFS (dry-cast equipment), New Hampton Metal Fab (wet-cast forming), and CAM Sales (consumables).

“In addition to providing value and benefits for customers, our vision is equally about using the scale, breadth and diversity of the platform to provide stability and security for team members,” observes Afinitas Vice President of Finance Mike Kiefer. “We’ll never be able to completely avoid the cyclical nature of the markets we serve, but our exposure to an increased diversity of end products and geographies mitigates this risk to a significant degree. We want to foster a stable environment in which our team members can thrive.”


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