The Utah Ready Mixed Concrete Association has named 35-year industry veteran Brad Stevenson as executive director, setting the stage for the recently chartered group to be fully functioning in 2018.

“After years of being involved with the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association and taking a look at the needs in the Wasatch Front and northern Utah, we realized that we needed to have a greater presence in the state to let people know the values of ready-mixed concrete,” says URMCA Chairman and Geneva Rock Products Vice President Jay Ritchie. “Producers and suppliers are bonding together as an organization in order to have a staff of people who can be involved daily to promote the usage and benefits of ready-mixed concrete.”

“We’ve talked about having our own association for years,” adds URMCA Director and Jack B. Parson Cos. President Bob Rowberry. “The goal is to promote ready-mixed concrete products. With the NRMCA and local presidents’ support, I think we’ll eventually see a bigger push toward the use of concrete.”

URMCA membership encompasses most area producers and allied suppliers, and in the future may see the addition of associate members, including concrete contractors. In addition to Geneva Rock Products and Jack B. Parson Cos., other producers represented on the association’s board are Altaview Concrete, Ash Grove Cement, Holcim (US) and Mountain Cement.

The Connecticut Ready Mixed Concrete Association plans a comprehensive “Build With Strength” campaign promoting the versatile uses of concrete in construction to the state’s architectural, design and engineering communities.

“[It] is modeled after the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association campaign and showcases the latest projects, trends and technologies in the ready mixed concrete industry,” says CRMCA President Kevin Miller (Tilcon Connecticut). “The mission of CRMCA is to promote the use of ready mixed concrete and innovative construction products and technologies in the state of Connecticut. We have an extensive library of case studies detailing unique construction projects utilizing concrete, [and] a number of qualified personnel from the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association to make presentations to the design community.”

“We have a wealth of tools to educate Connecticut construction specifiers and those involved with the design and engineering of multi-story buildings, commercial office buildings and infrastructure,” adds Connecticut Concrete Promotion Council Executive Director Dominic Di Cenzo. “We will be using case studies, infographics and video to promote the Connecticut Build With Strength campaign via social media, press releases and educational events.”

The American Concrete Institute has presented HNTB Corp. Materials Engineer Brian Cresenzi the ACI Construction Award. It recognizes his role in concrete production, testing and evaluation, especially relating to construction of the Hudson River-crossing New NY Bridge, designed for a 100-year service life and succeeding the Tappan Zee Bridge. Cresenzi has been an active ACI member since 1999.

LafargeHolcim Senior Technical Service Engineer Wayne Wilson, Ohio Concrete Vice President and Director of Engineering Thomas Rozsits and Concrete Construction Consultant Genaro Salinas have received the ACI Certification Award for committee work and service in developing, promoting, supporting, and delivering Institute certifications.

Monika Nain has been named National Concrete Masonry Association Structural Hardscape manager. A recent Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla graduate with a master’s degree in Structural Engineering, she will work on a variety of codes, standards, and advocacy projects, focusing mainly on segmental retaining wall unit applications.

Joseph Whiteman

Joseph Whiteman has joined the American Society of Concrete Contractors as manager of Safety Services, a new position. He most recently served as senior safety manager, Morley Builders Inc., San Diego Region, and had a six-year tour of duty as Turner Construction safety manager in southern California.

In his new role, Whiteman will be responsible for overseeing all Safety and Risk Management activites of the organization. He will also be the safety voice for ASCC in verbal and written communication, provide safety support for members and the organization, and develop programming and member resources to benefit concrete contractors and the industry.

Whiteman holds an Associate of Science degree in Environmental Technology – Occupational Health and Safety from Cuyamaca College, El Cajon, Calif.; Associate Safety Professional and Construction Health and Safety Technician designations, plus Certified Safety Professional certification. He served as a scout team leader with Alpha Co., 4th Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, U.S. Marine Corps, earning a Presidential Unit Citation, National Defense Medal and Purple Heart.


Jon Grafton

The Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute has appointed R. Jon Grafton, a certified professional engineer, as director of Operations Services, where he will serve as Business Performance Council staff liaison and contribute to productivity, erector, and safety efforts. He joins PCI with more than 30 years’ experience in precast, prestressed concrete, most recently with Oldcastle Precast. As manager of Business Development, he pursued design-build projects using precast/prestressed concrete, and helped develop new products that could be marketed through the company’s 90+ plants across the United States and Canada.

Prior to Oldcastle Precast, Grafton served as president, general manager and plant manager of California-based PCI member Pomeroy Corp., responsible for safety, quality control, estimating, engineering, business development and production operations. He has been a member of the PCI Board and several committees, most recently serving as Transportation Activities Council chair.