Sources: National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Md.; CP staff
The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association has elected Rodney Grogan, president of Ridgeland, Miss.-based MMC Materials Inc., as 2018 Chairman, succeeding his Oldcastle Materials West counterpart Scott Parson. Joining Grogan on the slate of officers elected during the NRMCA annual convention earlier this month in Houston are Vice Chairman William Sandbrook, chief executive officer of Texas’ U.S. Concrete Inc., and Secretary/Treasurer John Carew, president of Wisconsin’s Carew Concrete & Supply Co.
In addition to officer and director elections, NRMCA and its committees named recipients of annual awards during the convention. The 2018 Chairman’s Award was presented to McNeilus Companies’ Tom Harris, recognizing long-standing contributions to the association, Truck Mixer Manufacturers Bureau and Safety, Environmental and Operations (SEO) Committee. SEO, Workforce Development and Research, Engineering and Standards Committee members also presented these awards, respectively: Joseph E. Carpenter, John Richardson, Lafarge North America veteran; William B. Allen, William Sandbrook; and, Richard D. Gaynor, D. Gene Daniel, one-time principal in Arkansas’ Beaver Lake Concrete.
By award, the NRMCA Promotion Committee recognized Promoter of the Year – Buildings, Drew Turner, Concrete Supply director of business development; Promoter of the Year – Pavements, Andrew Lester, MMC Materials product development and promotion manager; State Affiliate Promoter of the Year, Craig Dauphinais, Massachusetts Concrete and Aggregate Producers Association executive director; John Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award for Promotion, Larry Gibbes of the Carolinas Ready Mixed Concrete Association; and, State Association of the Year, Colorado Ready Mixed Concrete Association.