Programmers have added features to the BatchTron models I, II and III, giving them a new look and enhanced usability. Many pages of setup choices make all models adaptable to different concrete plant configurations without extra customization. Users can work with combinations of aggregate bins and cement silos, dry plant or with mixer, and method of aggregate transfer—by conveyor, conveyor and holding hopper, or skip hoist.
BatchTron programmers have always related the timing sequence for materials entering the mixer to the mix design. A lightweight-block mix, for example, always loads aggregates first and adds water, then pre-mixes before the remaining materials are added. Relating the mixing cycle to the mix design eliminates the frequent mistakes when setting up the day’s run. Such additions allow installers and dealers to set up their batch controllers on-site without need for custom programming.
Anchoring a new look, BatchTron symbols have been redesigned to meet today’s world of muted graphics while giving better usability, while screen sizes of all models have been increased. BatchTron has used PLC and touchscreen technology since its introduction in the early 1990s, freeing concrete producers from the need for software upgrades leading to plant downtime. — Scale-Tron Inc., Quebec, 800/632-7083, 514/940-0337;