GalvaBar is continuously galvanized rebar with specialized alloy that provides the well-known corrosion protection of zinc and the added benefit of exceptional formability. Cut in individual lengths, it can be bent or stretched after the galvanizing process is complete without cracking, peeling or flaking.
Continuous galvanizing yields a rebar compliant with ASTM A1094/A1094M-16, Standard Specification for Continuous Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement, and ASTM A1055/A1055M-16, Standard Specification for Zinc and Epoxy Dual-Coated Steel Reinforcing Bars. The GalvaBar process coats steel with minimal exposure time to the molten zinc before cooling, allowing all normal and high-strength grades of reinforcement to be galvanized with no risk of embrittlement.
Research shows that galvanized rebar has concrete bond strength equivalent to or exceeding epoxy coated bar and higher than black or stainless steel bar, GalvaBar engineers note. The product is competitive with epoxy coated alternatives, they add, and significantly more economical than non-ferrous, high strength and stainless bar. — AZZ Inc., Fort Worth, Texas; 817/810-0095;