Titan America’s Pennsuco Complex, encompassing cement, aggregate, ready mixed and concrete block production, has been certified as a Gold Level Zero Waste Facility from the U.S. Zero Waste Business Council, Corono Del Mar, Calif.
PENNSUCO CEMENT PLANT PHOTO: Muhammad Khan, Environmental Manager |
Certification hinged on the complex diverting more than 90 percent of waste from landfills for a minimum of 12 consecutive months, compelling staff to reduce, reuse, recycle or compost otherwise discarded materials. It further required implementing sustainable strategies for resource and waste management, and culminated with an extensive on-site audit by Zero Waste Council members.
“The certification is a remarkable accomplishment and consistent with Titan America’s commitment to striving for best-in-class sustainability practices,” says Florida Business Unit President Randy Dunlap. The Zero Waste certification follows recognition of Pennsuco Cement plant sustainability and energy efficiency initiatives by the Wildlife Habitat Council and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, he adds.
Initiating the Zero Waste effort was Pennsuco Environmental Engineer Audrey Fulton, who credits employees and their environmental mindset for the outcome. “[The] process took us to a new level,” she notes. “It inspired us to discover new and innovative opportunities for recycling and reuse. Rather than automatically sending things to the landfill, each waste stream is now an opportunity to achieve highest and best use.”