The Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute has appointed Diep Tu as Florida Prestressed Concrete Association (FPCA) executive director. A licensed professional engineer in Florida, he has served as Florida Concrete & Products Association director of Engineering for more than 15 years, responsible for promoting concrete in parking lots, streets and local roads. Prior to FC&PA, Tu was rigid pavement research engineer with the Florida Department of Transportation Materials Research Office, Gainesville.
“The Board of Directors, producer, associate and professional members of FPCA are extremely pleased and excited to have Diep join our team as executive director,” says Coreslab Structures (Orlando) Inc. Senior Sales Representative Lenny Salvo. “Diep’s experience, knowledge and personality are extremely well suited for FPCA, where he will be leading our chapter in expanding our industry.”
Tu’s responsibilities with FPCA will focus on developing building and transportation market strategies, and promoting precast/prestressed concrete construction by connecting with architects, engineers, general contractors, owners, students and professors, state, county and city agencies, plus tollway entities. He will also provide opportunities for continuing education to the industry. FCPA is one of 12 regional affiliate organizations throughout the U.S. to support PCI members at the local level. They provide continuing education, various resources, precast/prestressed design assistance and university support.
The Association of Equipment Manufacturers has elected Cummins Inc. Executive Director OEM Sales & Support David Koppenhofer to its board of directors. Case Construction North America, CNH Industrial Vice President Scott Harris has been elected to the AEM Construction Equipment Sector board.
The International Concrete Repair Institute has developed a certification program based on industry demand and code language for those interested in becoming a repair technician and inspector for concrete surface repair performance. “Training and development of new and knowledgeable certified repair technicians has become a need, not simply a desire,” says ICRI President Keith Harrison. “ICRI has run with the idea of a program that will aid the growing demand for technicians and discipline those interested in the industry.”
The Concrete Surface Repair Technician Certification Program will offer enrollees the ability to become professionally qualified as an inspector through a two-tier program, including training modules and exams, all for one registration price. It is a competency-based program using current best practices for online training and evaluation. The educational component is presented and tested online while the performance component is tested both online and assessed by observable criteria (video submission or live recorded).
Inside this program, ICRI offers a two-tier certification process. Tier 1 was designed for those not regularly engaged with concrete surface repair while Tier 2 was created for those who seek full certification, typically having a goal of professional work in mind. Both tiers require participation in five online training modules, with each module incorporating education, training, and questions. Tier 2 full certification applicants are also required to take an online knowledge exam and perform each of the four ASTM tests included in the program, either through a video recording submission or at ICRI on-site locations.
The Concrete Polishing Association of America (CPAA) will merge with American Society of Concrete Contractors and become the Concrete Polishing Council, alongside ASCC’s Decorative Concrete, Manufacturer’s Advisory and Safety & Risk Management Councils. Each elects a board of directors, establishes bylaws, and maintains independent strategic plans while still being involved and in step with the ASCC mission.
CPAA was formed in 2010 to provide polishing interests with standards, education and a professional network. Within ASCC, it will continue to be a resource for contractors, designers and owners involved with specifying, installing and maintaining polished concrete. The move does not reflect dissatisfaction with prior manager and American Concrete Institute subsidiary, Creative Association Management (CAM), notes CPAA President Chad Gill. “CAM made us more solid and credible, increasing membership and adding significantly to the substance of the organization. We become part of ASCC as a strong coalition of polishing companies, ready to take our next steps,” he adds.
“Concrete polishing contractors take the baton from the placement contractor and carry it to the finished surface. It makes sense for polishing and placement contractors to have tight coordination. While CPAA has built its brand on education and specification, we were only telling half the story,” Gill explains. “Combining with the strongest association in concrete placement, we now have an unrivaled depth of technical and real world knowledge about how to deliver the best possible end product.”