A below-the-hook lifting solution, the SHS-Series SyncHoist enables operators to use a single crane to easily position loads vertically and horizontally, all while ensuring safety, speed and control. Designed with four BTH-1 compliant hydraulic lifting cylinders, the system is connected directly to suspended rigging. Cylinders are available in 60-, 94- or 120-ton capacity with strokes ranging from 19.69 to 59.06 in.
The SyncHoist is available with both manual and automatic control options. The former allow operators to actuate cylinders using pump-mounted manual valves, the pump equipped to display each cylinder’s load readings. The automatic, computer-controlled option provides both position and load feedback, and is capable of automatically positioning the cylinders with accuracy of +/-0.40 in. over full stroke. In addition, the system has warning alarms should cylinders exceed the user-established stroke and load parameters.
“Using tandem or multiple crane lifts for positioning of heavy and unbalanced loads can be difficult to synchronize,” says Enerpac Global Development Leader Pete Crisci. “The SyncHoist System provides accurate positioning without the need for multiple cranes, enhancing a crane’s capability and significantly improving the overall safety and efficiency of the operation.” — www.enerpac.com