Webinar delineates RM producer, contractor responsibilities in pumping operations

In conjunction with insurance provider NBIS Inc., the American Concrete Pumping Association has produced a 55-minute webinar, posted at www.concretepumpers.com, to help ready mixed producers, concrete pumpers and contractors navigate the American Society of Mechanical Engineers “Material Placement Systems” safety standard.

Hard copies of the standard can be ordered from the American Concrete Pumping Association through the www.concretepumpers.com home page. A digital version is secured and cannot be printed or distributed.

In “An Introduction to ASME B30.27-2014 with Responsibilities Delineation,” NBIS’ Robert Edwards reviews site protocol and safety measures the standard assigns key players in concrete pumping. After years of evaluation and industry input, the standard went into effect in March 2015, its developers aiming to prevent or minimize injury to workers by prescribing safety requirements and jobsite responsibilities surrounding the predominant method of conveying concrete mixes from truck chute to forms.


With the ASME B.30 standard in place, ACPA has launched from its home page the Online Certified Operator Search service. Information required to complete a search includes the operator’s last name and ID number, the last four digits of his or her Social Security number. Without revealing personal information or company name, a search identifies the areas in which the operator holds current certification and helps companies meet the ASME standard’s requirement of having third-party assessment of the pumper’s knowledge on safety. ACPA reports a dramatic increase in certified-operator demand.

In addition to the Certified Operator Search, an Operator Evaluation Form is available online to log notes of an operator’s capability of running a concrete pump. Placed on the ACPA website in the members-only login section, it can be downloaded, customized with company name and printed for easy use. The checklist-style form allows companies to meet the ASME B.30 standard requiring every pumping company to have at least one operational evaluation per operator. Operators should be evaluated when they change sizes or types of pumps and also on a regular basis.

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The “Responsibilities Delineation” webinar assigns mock names to the ready mixed producer, truck driver and other job site stakeholders. Participants are presented safety specifics throughout the concrete pumping sequence.