Responding to National Ready Mixed Concrete Association and allied stakeholders, the U.S. Green Building Council has adopted LEED rating system pilot credits that provide incentives for project teams to plan, design and build for resilience. NRMCA proposed a pilot credit in September 2013, working with a group headed by the Resilient Design Institute’s Alex Wilson, a longtime resiliency advocate who had submitted a pilot credit proposal with similar goals.
Day: December 9, 2015
Stormwater Institute prioritizes asset tracking, governance, watershed issues
A new Water Environment Federation report, “Rainfall to Results: The Future of Stormwater,” details challenges, opportunities and pathways to improving the nation’s drainage infrastructure and yielding a more resilient and effective stormwater sector. Its release during the WEFTEC 2015 conference in Chicago dovetailed the launch of the WEF Stormwater Institute, billed as a new center of excellence and innovation.
California surprise: Public works ready-mix delivery subject to prevailing wage
Many of us in the California construction industry spent time this fall with one eye on the capital, Sacramento, hoping our legislators would at long last address the state’s crumbling highways, roads and bridges. Editorial boards, local agencies, citizen groups and construction industry and union leaders alike pressed for additional funding to improve our infrastructure.
A year of tempered market expectations, bigger multinationals, taller wood buildings
Three developments tracked since January stand out at year’s end: 1) overall concrete shipments did not pace projected level; 2) among global operators, the annual revenue bar for cement, aggregate and ready mixed concrete shipments is moving from the $10 billion–$15 billion to $15 billion–$20 billion range, with the top players deriving about 20–25 percent of sales in North America; and, 3) U.S. and Canadian wood interests’ multi-story building market pursuits are reverberating among ready mixed and manufactured-concrete producers.
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