Wieser Concrete Products, Inc. is anticipating early Spring completion of a 20,000-sq.-ft. Maiden Rock, Wis., headquarters plant expansion, fittingly timed with the producer observing its 50th anniversary in 2015.
Month: February 2015
Competitive precast package bid nets Clark Pacific lion’s share of Kings’ den
Turner Construction has awarded West Sacramento-based Clark Pacific the primary concrete contract for the Sacramento Kings’ Entertainment and Sports Center (ESC) in the heart of California capital. The contract covers a nearly 700-piece precast package of lower and upper bowl stadia, suite-seating areas, and entrance/exit walls, plus upward of 1,000 cast-in-place steps on the stadia.
Heldenfels, home specialist peg ‘Win-Wind’ solution for coastal living
In alliance with HEI Building Systems Division, Coastal Fortified Homes (CFH) has designed a carbon fiber-reinforced precast concrete wall system to withstand Category 5 hurricane exposure (winds > 157 mph) and attendant flooding or storm surge. The system premiered at a development of eight 1,600-sq.-ft. properties in Port Aransas, Texas, located between San Jose and Padre Islands this past fall.
Regulatory prospects drive electric grid infrastructure security
A manufacturer and service provider specializing in high voltage power transmission and distribution, Hampton, Ga.-based Southern States, LLC has added turnkey security solutions anticipating Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) moves on electric utility substation and critical-site protection.
Superior Concrete brands Ballistics for utilities abiding new security rule
On the heels of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) adoption last year, the Physical Security Reliability Standard could fuel demand for hundreds of thousands of lineal feet of precast fences, one of the past decade’s faster growing manufactured-concrete market segments.
Lafarge Agilia SCC, NewCem specs hold water for Virginia tunnel elements
Lafarge North America is playing a major role in the construction of a 4,800-ft., two-lane tunnel under the Elizabeth River in Hampton Roads, Va. Adjacent to the existing U.S. 58 Midtown Tunnel, the West Midtown Tunnel will double traffic capacity between the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth, helping to alleviate congestion while separating tightly confined eastbound and westbound vehicles.
ASTM C13 issues premier precast segmental box culvert standard
Newly published ASTM C1786, Specification for Segmental Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains and Sewers Designed According to AASHTO LRFD relieves producers and engineers from having to refer to ASTM standards for similar structures lacking segmental culvert design and fabrication specifics.
Read MoreASCE brings needed technical perspective to water-wise campaign
The Environmental Protection Agency has teamed with the American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Landscape Architects and a host of associations, federal agencies and environmental groups behind the Green Infrastructure Collaborative, advancing stormwater management, water conservation and pollution control measures.
Developer patents, licenses production of precast pervious pavement
On the heels of patenting a precast pervious concrete system and related stormwater filtration methods, Minneapolis-based Percoa USA, LLC sees a range of commercial and residential market applications. “We have demonstrated the durability of [the product] as well as its effectiveness in capturing and filtering runoff,” affirms President Brett Pomerleau, and “are moving to license [the] technology to companies ready to manufacture pervious slabs and pavers.”
Penn professor pursues BIM for Masonry research on project workflow
Building Information Modeling for Masonry Initiative (BIM-M) members have tasked University of Pennsylvania’s Dr. Franca Trubiano with reporting on brick and block construction workflows, spotlighting especially Huntsman Hall, a signature masonry building on her school’s Philadelphia campus.
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