With an eye to eliminating the need for cranes on a concrete production site, Vince Hagan Co. has developed a new safety control feature that ensures level hydraulic raising and lowering of its portable dry mix or central mixed batch plant models. The self-erect power pack unit allows for a smooth set-up of all the plant components, typically over a four-hour window.
The manufacturer has transformed all of the auxiliary equipment to offer the hydraulic erect feature, including patented HM10 Horizontal Mixer, plus portable conveyors and HCA auxiliary silo. The feature is available for small, highly mobile batch plant models or high speed mobile paving plants. Vince Hagan plants feature rigid truss design that holds up to the rigors of harsh travel and jobsite conditions and ensures fast set-up; engineering to bear on steel plates or timber mats versus temporary concrete foundations; and, large “in-truss” cement and aggregate storage. The company’s exclusive in-truss central dust collection system travels on the plant and eliminates the need for silo top dust collectors. — 800/354-3238; www.vincehagan.com