American Concrete Institute revises formwork benchmark

The eighth edition of ACI SP-4(14) Formwork for Concrete Manual includes current standards and practice, removes prior versions’ outdated or irrelevant material, and adds content on new developments in formwork technology and methods.NS-ACI-300

SP-4(14) is authored by ACI Technical Committee 347, Formwork for Concrete member David Johnston, Edward I. Weisiger Distinguished Professor Emeritus at North Carolina State University. He led committee efforts to update the manual, including revisions to align it with Guide to Formwork for Concrete (ACI 347R-14), which is reprinted in full in the appendix.

The eighth edition is the first to be printed completely in color, with nearly 500 photos and 150 illustrations. Span tables and design values have been updated to comply with the 2012 National Design Specification issued by the American Wood Council, and loads have been updated to reflect changes in the latest edition of ASCE/SEI 37, “Design Loads on Structures During Construction.” New formwork examples include the use of allowable stress design, as well as load and resistance factor design. Chapter problems have also been included for the first time to make the document easier to use as a teaching tool, while still maintaining its status as a reference for practicing engineers.

“The eighth edition marks the 50th year in print of this iconic manual,” says Professor Johnston. “Revising and bringing one of ACI’s best-selling documents up to date included reference to the latest design and construction standards for guidance of the formwork designer and contractor. Expanded coverage of design methods, products, and both revised and new worked examples, will ensure that Formwork for Concrete will continue to be the most respected reference in the concrete formwork industry and an excellent teaching resource in the classrooms.” — ACI Bookstore, 248/848-3800;