Under the theme “Spanning the Globe,” nearly 2,000 engineers, architects, contractors, educators, manufacturers, and material representatives from around the world will convene October 26-30 at the Washington (D.C.) Hilton Hotel to collaborate on concrete codes, specifications and standards—amid other ACI fall convention activities.
ACI’s seventh Concrete Sustainability Forum on the morning of October 29 will update attendees on the evolving landscape of structural resilience and sustainable building innovations. Examples of new sustainable and innovative concrete technologies from around the globe will be highlighted. An overview of current code activities of ACI, Brussels-based Fédération Internationale du Béton, and other international concrete organizations will be presented, followed by a panel discussion on the integration of sustainable and resilient theories into plans, projects, and international codes.
Capping the Forum will be a luncheon with keynote speaker National Institute on Building Sciences President Henry Green, who will share his insight on the importance of resilience in making our infrastructure safer, more secure, and able to protect us against natural disasters. Docent- and curator-led tours of the “Designing for Disaster” exhibit at the U.S. National Building Museum will follow the luncheon. The Forum is free to registered ACI Convention attendees. A $40 payment is required to attend the luncheon and tour, including transportation to/from the National Building Museum and entrance to the National Building Museum and the “Designing for Disaster” exhibit. Participants not registered for the ACI Convention can participate in the Forum, Luncheon, and Museum tour for an all-inclusive fee of $90.
Throughout the convention, ACI will hold over 300 committee meetings, 50+ technical sessions, an industry trade exhibition, networking events, and more. Registration is open online through October 5, and discounted rates are offered until September 28. Information and registration for the ACI Fall 2014 Convention can be found at www.concrete.org/Events/Conventions.