A frequent critic of methods behind the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED rating system, the American High-Performance Buildings Coalition (AHPBC) affirms support of the International Codes Council transparent process for developing the 2015 International Green Construction Code (IgCC).
AHPBC cites the Council’s commitment to an open public hearing process for developing the IgCC as highly valuable in achieving more balanced green building objectives. Jurisdictions, code officials, owners, managers and other users know the IgCC has gone through a formal development process in which all affected stakeholders have been given open and public access to provide expert input.
“The green building industry is broad and reaches deep into value chains, so green codes have a significant impact on the marketplace, those who design and produce green building materials, and a diverse group of stakeholders,” the Coalition contends. “Green building codes, standards, ratings systems and credits must be grounded in sound science and developed through voluntary consensus processes in order to see a lasting green building future.”