Container optimizes testing of best curing ways and means

The container affords producers a unique, portable solution to pinpointing the most effective steam or hot air curing regimen for concrete masonry and precast.

Pathfinder Systems has added to its CureTec offerings a test container with which manufactured-concrete producers can determine the ideal conditions—notably air, steam and temperature settings, and schedules—for curing products and structures. The test container contains a steam generator, plus warm air and mist systems, which can be run individually or together. It is available for rent to test product and many different types of atmospheres and temperatures.

The test container is the newest offering from Germany’s CureTec Energietechnik GmbH, which Pathfinder Systems represents in North America. The CureTec line spans NDG Steam Generators, ConCure Hot Air Heating Systems, RadCure Hot Water Curing Systems, CureFog Moisture Systems, AggTherm Aggregate Heating Systems, AllCure Concrete Curing Systems, and CureFlow Air Circulation Systems. Each component is backed with a range of CureTec automation, programming and control technology. — Pathfinder Systems, Holland, Mich., 616/395-8447;