Gorilla Grout Enhanced Strength Grout suits high compressive strength applications without the “creep” associated with epoxy grout formulations. Plastic and flowable compressive strengths exceed 10,000 psi at 28 days (ASTM C 109 2-in. cube test), notes the manufacturer. The non-shrink, non-metallic construction grout features controlled expansion, meets ASTM standards C 1107 and CRD-C621, and can be specified for high tolerance placements that require maximum load bearing capacity. The grout can be placed with standard equipment even at high fluid consistency. Gorilla Grout is free of chloride ions or other additives known to cause oxidation and deterioration of concrete or base plates, or structural steel. The grout is extendable with up to 25 lb. (11.4 kg) pea gravel per 50-lb. sack. The product is ideal for the support of building columns, bridge beams, sewers, machine bases, precast beams and panels, pipes, anchor bolts or any high strength application. — ChemMasters, Inc., 800/486-7866
High strength grout