World of Concrete marks milestone in 2014

World of Concrete debuted February 1975 with sponsors American Society for Concrete Contractors, American Concrete Pumping Association and Concrete Construction Publications, plus participating organizations, American Concrete Institute and Portland Cement Association. From that modest start would emerge the largest, annual international trade geared to commercial concrete construction.

The premier World of Concrete drew 1,100 attendees, 70 exhibitors and 19 speakers to Houston. Marking a 40th anniversary, World of Concrete 2014, January 21-24 at the Las Vegas Convention Center, is poised for more than 50,000 attendees, 1,300 exhibitors and 80 speakers. In addition to anniversary highlights, the show will feature a week of hands-on demonstrations, spectator events and competitions, along with luncheons and forums on the latest industry topics. The ninth annual Concrete Industry Management WOC Auction will be held Wednesday, January 22, 11 a.m.–2 p.m. at the convention center.

The World of Concrete Education Program, January 20-24, features 100-plus 90-minute or three-hour sessions within targeted tracks such as Leadership & Management, Decorative Concrete, Safety & Risk Management, Finance & Money Matters and, new to 2014, Engineering. Concrete Production and Concrete Fundamentals tracks feature nine sessions, including “Self-Consolidating Concrete: Understand the Technology and Leverage the Advantages,” led by Texas Concrete & Aggregates Association’s Richard Szecsy; “Concrete Mix Design Parts I & II,” led by Cornell University’s Ken Hover; and, “Concrete Basics I-IV,” led by Master Builders veteran Terry Holland.

The program includes interactive workshops such as Train-the-Trainer, Boot Camps for Field Leaders, and OSHA 10-Hour Safety plus Hands-On-Training opportunities for laying concrete masonry block, placing & finishing floors, surveying, stamped concrete and concrete repairs. The new Engineering Day, geared to civil and structural engineers, will be Thursday, January 23.

The World of Concrete outdoor exhibits and demonstration area allows attendees to test products under real jobsite conditions. Events returning next month include the John Deere Operator Challenge, Western Star Serious Trucks Challenge, the SPEC MIX BRICKLAYER 500 competition, Pervious Concrete LIVE!, and Masonry Veneer LIVE!. Concrete Construction’s and Concrete Surfaces’ 12th annual Artistry in Decorative Concrete Demonstrations will take place again in the Concrete Surfaces Decorative Pavilion, featuring industry artisans who share techniques and experiences.

An outdoor exhibit designed to engage architects, engineers and designers in the use of quality concrete products and craftsmanship, “Exploring Architectural Praxis: A Concrete Timeline,” will showcase floor designs from architecture and design firms. The exhibit will serve as part of a tribute to the history of architecture and craftsmanship at World of Concrete.

Registration and additional details on World of Concrete 2014 can be obtained from Hanley Wood Exhibitions, 866/860-1983 or The show’s Mobile App, with exhibitor, seminar, event and speaker information, is available in formats for Apple, Blackberry and Android-powered devices at