Sources: National Precast Concrete Association, Carmel, Ind.; CP staff
In his first address as NPCA chairman, Brent Dezember outlined five action statements for association leaders during his one-year term: certification leadership; specifier outreach; member service and value; improving industry marketing; and, aligning industry associations.
Dezember is president of StructureCast, a Bakersfield, Calif., architectural panel, building system, and underground vault producer. He succeeds 2012-13 NPCA Chairman Mimi Rainero Coles of Permatile Concrete Products in Bristol, Va., and was elected during the group’s annual convention, held in Hot Springs, Va.
Joining him as newly elected officers are Chairman-elect Michael Tidwell of Bartow Precast Inc., Cartersville, Ga., and Secretary/Treasurer Andy Wieser of Wieser Concrete Products Inc., Maiden Rock, Wis. Producer members newly elected to three-year NPCA board terms are Jennifer Burkhart of Arrow Concrete Products Inc., Granby, Conn.; Leo Feuerstein of Western Precast Concrete Inc., El Paso, Texas; Brian Leary of Reading Rock Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio; and, Greg Roache of Gainey’s Concrete Products Inc.