Texas processor derives GGBF slag-level performance from fly ash

Sources: VHSC Cement LLC, The Woodlands, Texas; CP staff

VHSC Cement has launched a concrete binder, PozzoSlag 1.2, citing its potential for 55-65 percent portland cement replacement, plus performance characteristics including early set times—counter to mixtures bearing high fly ash- or slag cement-doses—and long-term strength development.

The product meets ASTM C989 Standard Specification for Slag Cement for Use in Concrete and Mortars specifications and Grade 120 slag requirements. VHSC internal tests using ASTM C109 and ASTM C989 procedures show a 50/50 PozzoSlag 1.2 and Type I portland cement specimen eclipsing a 100 percent Type I specimen in strength development at three days.

VHSC’s proprietary reactor and treatment system uses physical and chemical means to transform raw fly ash feed into a new cementitious material. The process reduces by 90 percent the carbon dioxide emissions attendant with milling a comparable volume of portland cement, company officials note. Since November 2012, they add, Texas practitioners have used or approved Pozzoslag 1.2 for ready mixed orders, concrete pavements, and precast products. — www.pozzoslag.com