Source: Lanxess Inorganic Pigments, Pittsburgh
Bayferrox iron oxide pigments have earned Recycled Content Certification from Scientific Certification Systems Inc./SCS Global Services, a California-based product auditing, testing, and standards development firm.
“Lanxess is the first producer of iron oxide pigments to offer the market SCS certification on the recycled content of its products. Recycled material makes up to 94 percent of the iron raw materials used for the production of our pigments,” says Hans-Peter Baldus, head of Lanxess Inorganic Pigments for North America. “Our customers will benefit from this certification, which enables them to earn points in the LEED process [and] supports a sustainable environment.” In locations like North America, Brazil and Europe, he adds, recycled content certification is an important driver in construction material and product procurement.
Testing Bayferrox products, SCS Global Services found that multiple iron oxides have high percentages of recycled content—cast iron borings from the automotive industry among materials used in Lanxess pigment production. Using SCS-certified Bayferrox for coloring concrete or other building materials allows design professionals to factor the pigments when calculating LEED rating points. The certification covers pigments from Lanxess iron oxide processing operations in Germany and Brazil; testing of recycled material content in product from a third company plant, in China, is under way.