Source: Freedonia Group, Cleveland
A rebound in construction activity, coupled with increasing consumer interest in environmentally friendly products, will propel 11 percent annual growth in green building materials demand through 2017, to $86.6 billion.
Green Building Materials, a five-year outlook from market researcher Freedonia Group, finds that builders and architects will increasingly target high LEED certification levels by specifying materials that earn rating points. Fly ash-dosed concrete, Energy Star-compliant residential HVAC systems, and lumber harvested in a sustainable manner can contribute to LEED certification; each is forecast to see above-average gains in demand. Likewise, the use of permeable pavements will be supported by interest in both LEED points and reducing water runoff and minimizing strains on older sewer and water systems.
Green Building Materials (February 2013, 405 pages) is available for $5,100 from Freedonia Group, 767 Beta Drive, Cleveland, OH 44143-2326. Additional details can be obtained from Corinne Gangloff, 440/684-9600; [email protected].