WEG Electric has introduced a complete line of power correction products that will improve a plant’s power factor and support users in their efforts of reducing energy consumption and avoid costs or penalties from the utilities. This new line incorporates contactors, individual single and three phase capacitors, as well as a totally new three phase enclosed capacitor with a NEMA 4 enclosure as standard.
WEG power correction products will increase energy efficiency and also increase a plant’s system capacity by allowing additional loads utilizing the same KVA. In many cases, power factor correction can release capacity and postpone the need for system additions or upgrades. Additional benefits include the reduction of watt loss, increased life span of motors, equipment and conductors and the reduction of reactive current on the electrical network within the plant.
The new line of power factor capacitors without enclosures include model UCW single phase, UCWT three phase and MCW, a three phase multiple capacitor unit. Also, the line includes the new BCWT three phase capacitor with NEMA 4 housing, available with or without fuses. The CWMC contactor completes the line and is rated for use with all these capacitors — WEG Electric Corp., www.weg.net