Tilt-Up Design SystemSystems’ free web-based Panel Reinforcing Estimating Tool works by simply entering the panel width, height, thickness, design wind speed/exposure and opening width for the project. An estimate of the reinforcing steel required will be provided measured in pounds per square-foot based on the gross panel area.
The tool was developed using Tilt-Werks technology, the only tilt-up application that integrates structural engineering design with the generation of drawings, BIM data, material quantities and cost estimates in one package. As a fully integrated resource, Tilt-Werks expedites the construction of tilt-up projects from preliminary design through structural engineering, preparation of shop drawings and continues on to material take-offs, project cost estimates and integration with industry suppliers.
“Created to help owners, developers and contractors determine panel thickness and estimate the amount of reinforcing steel required for a tilt-up panel, this free online tool is a great resource for both seasoned tilt-up construction professionals and those that are new to the industry,” said Joe Steinbicker, president of Tilt-Up Design Systems. “It helps take some of the guess work out of the tilt-up estimating process. Users can check various panel thicknesses to determine optimum reinforcing.”— www.tilt-werks.com