Sources: BASF Admixture Systems, Cleveland; CP staff
With an eye to sustainable construction, BASF has formulated a new water-reducing admixture, Pozzolith 700N, for use in ready mixed concrete designed with SCM. It provides faster setting time in the face of supplementary binders, which typically challenge contractors by extending a mixture’s set window.
Pozzolith 700N will allow producers to redesign concrete mixes with SCM to achieve significant material cost savings and provide customers normal setting time performance, notes BASF Product Manager Jeffrey Ma. “Sustainable construction is undoubtedly the strongest industry trend today,” he adds. “With Pozzolith 700N, we are helping producers develop and promote sustainable concrete mixtures that offer the characteristics engineers expect, while meeting the contractor’s needs for predictable performance.”
In addition to Pozzolith 700N, BASF offers a range of products, technologies, and tools for sustainable construction, including the Integrated Durability-Sustainability Wizard and Eco-Efficiency Analysis. Both help concrete practitioners identify economical mix solutions with minimized ecological impact. —