Construction has stepped up several notches on the nation’s first two new nuclear units in 30 years at the Georgia Power Plant Vogtle, near Waynesboro, Ga. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission voted last month to approve issuance of a Combined Construction and Operating License for Vogtle units 3 and 4, the first such license ever approved for a U.S. installation. It enables work to commence full bore toward Georgia Power’s projected 2016 and 2017 unit start ups.
Lead contractor Shaw Nuclear Power Group is deploying two RexCon Model S-RM Central Mix batch plants and a fleet of about 15 mixer trucks, performing preliminary slab and subgrade work in advance of higher volume, main structures for both units. Updates Atlanta-based Southern Co., Georgia Power parent, has released from Plant Vogtle show service building construction and cooling-water systems of 10-ft.-diameter concrete pressure pipe design. Additionally, precast panels have been erected for mechanically stabilized earth structures encompassing each unit’s “nuclear island,” with reactor vessel, steam generators and support components.
“We are committed to bringing these units online to deliver clean, safe and reliable energy to our customers. The project is on track, and our targets related to cost and schedule are achievable,” said Southern Co. CEO Thomas Fanning, upon the NRC license announcement.
“Our communities and country will benefit from this more than $14 billion investment, representing 4,000 to 5,000 jobs on site during peak construction, and in the process creating over 25,000 direct and indirect jobs by this project alone,” added Georgia Power CEO Paul Bowers.