Sources: Sika AG, Switzerland; Ash Improvement Technology Inc. (AIT), New York City
A strategic alliance between Sika and fly ash beneficiation specialist AIT will support development of binder products reducing carbon dioxide emissions tied to portland cement milling.
AIT’s proprietary CleanCem technology converts coal ash into a high-value substitute for cement, company officials note. It treats ash while it is formed during power plant coal combustion, they add, netting a cost-effective material offering production flexibility and meeting performance levels equal to a number of end uses.
“Coal ash is a perfect material to substitute [portland cement] clinker, hence reducing CO2 emissions inherent to cement production and the environmental toll of large ash disposal sites,” says AIT CEO Marc Zacharias, whose industry tenure includes executive marketing positions with Grace Construction Products and Lafarge Group. “Sika’s innovative strength and [global] footprint will help accelerate implementation of our technology and satisfy pressing demand we are seeing in multiple markets.”
“Construction markets worldwide are demanding innovation for more environmentally sustainable cement and concrete,” adds Sika Senior Vice President, Concrete Producers Phillippe Jost. “Technologies such as CleanCem are an inherent part of Sika’s strategy towards the future.”