Source: Women in Concrete Alliance, Dublin, Ohio
Entries are currently being accepted through January 6 for the second annual Woman of Distinction award, presented by the Women in Concrete Alliance. According to Kari Moosman, co-founder of WICA, the award was created to celebrate women in the industry. “We are excited to see a woman in the industry honored by her peers,” said Moosmann. “This award will reinforce that women are a valued resource in the concrete construction industry.”
Additionally, WICA co-founder Kimberly Kayler noted that the recipient of the award will signify the spirit of the organization. “WICA was formed to supply information, opportunities and mentoring to women working in the concrete construction industry,” said Kayler. “There are many women that really make a difference for other women in the industry, as well as make this is a better marketplace for us all. This award gives us a chance to celebrate those heroes.”
The winner of last year’s Distinction Award was Rosa Olivia Becerra, owner/president of Cortamex, a diamond blade supplier in Tijuana, Mexico. “This is a touching and proud moment in my career,” said Becerra. “The success I have had is founded on the beliefs that if you work hard and are passionate about what you do, you will be rewarded regardless of gender. Combine this thinking with exceeding customer expectations and you have my formula for running my company.”
To submit a nomination for the 2012 Woman of Distinction Award, visit the News/Events page at After the nominations are received, members of the industry will have the opportunity to vote on their choice at the Women in Concrete luncheon held January 25 from 12–2p.m. in conjunction with the World of Concrete in Las Vegas. Registration for the luncheon can be found at; the winner will be announced in February 2012.