NRMCA: Industry holds firm on sustainability goals in the face of economic challenges

Source: National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Md.

The NRMCA 2011 Sustainability Report details how the industry has invested millions in research, new education and training programs, new personnel and plant certifications, and codes and standards advocacy to establish concrete as the sustainable material of choice for building and infrastructure projects and lower its environmental footprint. Against the worst economic downturn in its history and unprecedented regulatory changes, the report notes, the industry re-dedicated to upholding principles of set in 2009 with the NRMCA Sustainability Initiatives.

“It’s inspiring to see members respond to the challenges of sustainability both in terms of how concrete is used in construction but also how the product is manufactured,” says NRMCA Senior V.P. of Sustainability Lionel Lemay. “The industry is truly concerned about the environment as demonstrated by the investments in research, education and measurement.”  —