Source: National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
The NRMCA Board and Research, Engineering & Standards Committee has approved the 11th revision to the QC3 Plant Certification Check List for certifying ready concrete production facilities. The document reflects revised standards, new technology and provisions to clarify intent of inspectors’ feedback, and applies to requests for plant certification May 15 and beyond.
The check list revision coincides with an update of the NRMCA Plant Inspector’s Guide, which describes in more detail the intent of each certification target item and provides appropriate images and numerical examples. Nearing a 50-year mark, NRMCA notes, the certification program is one of the only means to ensure concrete production facilities conform to industry standards as defined in ASTM C94/C94M, Specification for Ready Mixed Concrete. Approximately 2,300 plants, with 18,000 delivery vehicles, are currently NRMCA-certified.