Source: Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago
PCI is accepting through May 23 submissions for its 49th Design Awards competition, open to any North American project completed in the past three years with substantial use of architectural (conventional or glass-fiber reinforced) or structural precast fabricated in a PCI Certified plant. Entries are accepted free of charge but must be submitted online at; where applicable, entry forms and image files must be accompanied by signed releases permitting the Institute’s use of project images.
Entry categories include commercial structures (office buildings, retail stores, mixed-use structures, public/institutional buildings, and schools); industrial facilities (warehouses/distribution centers and manufacturing facilities); housing (single-family homes, multifamily buildings, hotels/motels, and retirement/assisted-living centers); specialized structures (parking structures, stadiums/arenas/sports facilities, justice facilities/courthouses, prisons/jails/correctional facilities, and custom solutions); and transportation facilities (bridges with main span up to 75 feet long, bridges with main span from 75 to 150 feet long, bridges with main span more than 150 feet long, rehabilitated bridges, non-highway bridges, and special solutions).
Along with a number of best-in-class awards, recognition will also be given for industry advancement, sustainable design, and the best all-precast concrete structure or solution. Juries of industry experts will consider creativity and ingenuity in the use of precast concrete to achieve aesthetic expression, function, economy, and sustainability; and will recognize excellence in design, engineering, manufacturing and erecting. Separate juries will evaluate buildings, bridges and special categories.
Winning projects will be announced in July 2011, with producers recognized at the PCI 2011 Annual Convention/Exhibition, October 22–25 in Salt Lake City. Additional information can be obtained from PCI’s Brian Miller, P.E., LEED AP, 312/360-3216, [email protected]