Coal operator Alpha takes stake in Class C ash-based cement purveyor Ceratech

Sources: Alpha Natural Resources, Abingdon, Va.; CP staff

A major coal producer has acquired a 10.3 percent position in Alexandria, Va.-based Ceratech Inc., whose Ekkomaxx technology can yield concrete binding agents with performance characteristics reportedly matching ASTM C150 Types I–V powder.

Alpha Natural Resources can increase its Ceratech stake to 28.3 percent under certain future terms. It becomes the second coal producer to invest in prospective concrete technology offsetting carbon dioxide emissions from either portland cement production or fossil fuel-fired power generation. In April 2010, market leader Peabody Energy took a $15 million interest in Calera Corp., whose calcium carbonate precipitation processes—applied to power plants’ flue gas streams—are netting concrete-grade fine aggregate.

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Lattimore Materials steers Aggregate Industries Western Region into Texas

Sources: Aggregate Industries US Inc., Rockville, Md.; CP staff

Management of Lattimore Materials Corp. has shifted to Aggregate Industries Western Region from Holcim Participations, a Holcim (US) Inc. subsidiary that recently consolidated its stake in the McKinney, Texas, ready mixed and aggregate producer. The move firmly establishes Aggregate Industries US in an important market where it did not previously have a presence, and allows the Western Region to fully leverage Lattimore Materials’ strong position and reputation, notes Holcim Ltd. United States Area Manager Bernard Terver.

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Study advances pervious pavement for freeze-thaw markets

Source: Ready Mixed Concrete Research & Education Foundation, Silver Spring, Md.

Slab engineering, mix designs and curing methods are among critical practice points cited in an extensive study, “Performance Evaluation of In-Service Pervious Concrete Pavements in Cold Weather.” The latest addition to the RMC Research & Education Foundation library of pervious concrete titles examines 29 Minnesota pavements placed from 2005–2010.

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NRMCA/EPA Energy Star plant survey deadline nears

Source: National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Md.

NRMCA is compiling through April 1 surveys of electricity, diesel fuel, natural gas and propane consumption data for ready mixed production. An easily completed Excel document, the 40-point survey supports an NRMCA–Environmental Protection Agency memorandum of understanding to collect baseline energy use in transit and central mixed production and fleet operations.

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PCI calls for 2011 Design Award building, bridge entries

Source: Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago

PCI is accepting through May 23 submissions for its 49th Design Awards competition, open to any North American project completed in the past three years with substantial use of architectural (conventional or glass-fiber reinforced) or structural precast fabricated in a PCI Certified plant. Entries are accepted free of charge but must be submitted online at; where applicable, entry forms and image files must be accompanied by signed releases permitting the Institute’s use of project images.

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Online tool assists LEED Professionals maintain, build credentials

Source: Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI), Washington, D.C.

An interactive online tool, CMP Wizard helps LEED Professionals understand their Credential Maintenance Program (CMP) requirements and explore continuing education options. The maintenance requirements ensure LEED AP and LEED Green Associate credential holders stay current with the ever-evolving body of knowledge around green building, GBCI contends, and helps them select from a variety of options they have for earning credits.

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CRSI Epoxy Group issues inspection, acceptance guidelines

Source: Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, Schaumburg, Ill. An eight-page CRSI Epoxy Interest Group document provides procedures for inspection of epoxy-coated reinforcing steel during construction and prior to concrete placement. It serves as a companion to a laminated field inspection card for practitioners involved in placing or inspecting concrete containing epoxy-coated reinforcing steel. The document is available free at, or…

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