A presentation, “Climate Change, Sustainable Transportation and Economic Competitiveness,” will kick off a one-day program during 2011 ConExpo-Con/Agg (March 22-26, Las Vegas), aimed at spotlighting “green” highway construction practice and the latest environmental information affecting jobsites and road programs. Morning general sessions will span emerging trends in sustainability, including FHWA’s highway criteria tool and pilot projects.
Source: Associated Equipment Manufacturers, Milwaukee
A presentation, “Climate Change, Sustainable Transportation and Economic Competitiveness,” will kick off a one-day program during 2011 ConExpo-Con/Agg (March 22-26, Las Vegas), aimed at spotlighting “green” highway construction practice and the latest environmental information affecting jobsites and road programs. Morning general sessions will span emerging trends in sustainability, including FHWA’s highway criteria tool and pilot projects. Among afternoon breakout sessions are Recycling/Reuse, examining industrial byproduct use in pavements and two-lift concrete slabs with recycled aggregate; and, Climate/Air, covering profitable and sustainable fleet operations, regulatory updates and a “clean diesel” retrofit case study.
Joining show organizers in the March 24 “Green Roads Summit” are the Federal Highway Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, Associated General Contractors of America, American Concrete Pavement Association and Construction Materials Recycling Association.